

PL Flag

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Seen Players0 (68)
Max Players
Avg. New Players Retention
(Last 30 days)
2 d 20 h 46 m
Seen Players
(Last 168 hrs.)
New Players
(Last 168 hrs.)
Active Players
(Last 168 hrs.)
New Players Ratio
(Last 168 hrs.)
Activity Ratio
(Last 168 hrs.)
Avg. Level Gain / 24 hrs
(Last 168 hrs.)
Avg. Level Loss / 24 hrs
(Last 168 hrs.)
Avg. Level Gain / Hr Online
(Last 168 hrs.)
6.89 lvl / hr
Avg. Level Loss / Hr Online
(Last 168 hrs.)
0 lvl / hr
Avg. Activity Points
(Last 168 hrs.)
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Active Players
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Activity Ratio
(Last 30 days)
Avg. Level Gain / 24 hrs
(Last 30 days)
Avg. Level Loss / 24 hrs
(Last 30 days)
Avg. Level Gain / Hr Online
(Last 30 days)
6.34 lvl / hr
Avg. Level Loss / Hr Online
(Last 30 days)
0 lvl / hr
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(Last 30 days)
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English version below...

Nowosc! Dostepna od 10.02.2025
* Teleporty na odblokowane bossy (VIP3)
* oraz wiecej zmian ... wkrotce lista zostanie uzupelnione, na chwile obecna wiecej dowiesz sie w grze :)

SERWER ma juz 2 i pol roku!

* Zaawansowany system taskow, taski mozna robic nieskonczona ilosc razy - szczegolowy opis dostepny pod adresem:
* Dostepne sa rowniez teleporty na taski


Serwer jest o wiele latwiejszy do grania dzieki zastosowaniu automatycznych talentow! ktore zwiekszaja sile czarow (a pozbawiono Wheel of Destiny). Automatyczne talenty sa o wiele wiekszym ulatwieniem gry niz Wheel of Destiny ktory jest na rl tibii, do tego przerobiono najbardziej istotne czary jak np exori gran ktore teraz ma mniejsze cd.

Customowym dodatkiem sa takze nowe atrybuty tj. Attack power oraz Spell power, ktore dodaja dmg do spelli 1 do 1 (np 100 spell power to 100 dmg do ataku z run lub czaru albo 100 attack power to dodatkowy atak z auto ataku jak i dodatkowy dmg z exori itp.)

Aktualnie mamy wgrana wersje 13.2, jest mozliwosc zdobywania najnowszych przedmiotow.

Jedyny Polski serwer non-pvp!

Zakaz uzywania botow podczas expienia!
Jesli to zostanie wykryte konto zostaje zbanowane bez ostrzezenia!

Pomoc na start:
# Rozpoczynajac gre na mainlandzie, uzyj komendy !gift aby otrzymac bron do treningu (z Vip 2x wi?cej ?adunków)
# Na 50 levelu automatycznie w placaku pojawi sie nam startowy ekwipunek
# CC za level: 30lvl - 30k, 100lvl - 100k, 200lvl - 200k

Rozne cotygodniowe eventy:
> Double skill/exp
> Fast Exercise training 30% - 100%
> Rapid respawn x2 - x5
> Loot x6
> Bestiary x5
> Szybka regeneracja hp/mp - podstawa x3
> oraz inne

Teraz kilka slow odnosnie serwera:

* Nie trzeba robic dostepow (a jesli jakies sa to chodzi o to, aby zabic same mini bossy, bez zbednych poszukiwan)
* Worki z SoulWara leca zaraz po wejsciu na teren polowan bez hazardu, ze stala szansa
* Worki z Gnompromy takze leca ze wszystkich potworow ze stala szansa
* Worki z najnowszej aktualizacji "Bag You Covet" takze mozna wydropic z potworow tam znajdujacych sie
* Brak strat podczas smierci, w postaci levela i skilli
* Ochrona ekwipunku do 300 lvl'a (no bless needed)
* Fast attack podniesiony o 20%
* Zwiekszenie mocy o 33% dla 3 run (AVA, GFB, THU)
* Dajkan backpack w 3 wersjach:
1. speed [+32], regen [10/1sec], max MP/HP [+5%] 32 cap
2. speed [+50], regen [20/1sec], 48 cap
3. speed [+60], regen [60/2sec], max MP/HP [+5%], 60 cap
* Turbo potion dajaca 100 HP/MP na sekunde
* Wszystkie plecaki mozna nasycic imbuingiem, który zwieksza CAP w procentach: 10/15/40
* Zmodyfikowano soft boots, zwiekszono szybkosc regeneracji HP/MP o 50%, a takze zwiekszono regeneracje HP o 300%, aby dodawalo tyle samo HP co many
* NPC Aldo naprawiajacy soft boots znajduje sie w budynku na prawo od depo w Thais (pietro 1)
* Runa "Reterneum" teleportuje do temple oraz istnieje mozliwosc powrotu na expowisko w ciagu 30 minut (taki tez posiada CD, nigdy sie nie konczy)
* Netherstone teleportuje postac do temple mozna kupic u NPCa Quentin za 5000gp
* Potiony zwiekszajace:
> predkosc ataku postaci o 30% na 10 godzin
> doswiadczenie o 50% (po mnoznikach)
> predkosc treningu na kuklach o 100% na 10 godzin
> stamine w 100%

* Tani VIP (tylko 150tc/m-c), oto benefity:
5% more exp
Bestiary x4
Spell for mana burn "exana ana"
Hidden VIP new hunting area
Auto change used exercise weapon
Netherstone cd changed to 40 minutes (normal 60 min)
Command !gift give you exercise with 8k charges

Zapraszam! zycze przyjemnej gry:)

Serwer jest czynny 24/7.


1-100 lvl = x50
101-200 lvl = x20
201-300 lvl = x15
301-500 lvl = x10
501-700 lvl = x8
701-1000 lvl = x5
1001-up lvl = x2
Loot: x5
Standard regen: 10 HP/MP per second
Soul regen: 10 per second


English version:
New! Available from 09/30/2023
* Advanced task system, tasks can be repeated indefinitely - detailed description available at:
* Teleports to tasks are also available


The server is much easier to play thanks to the implementation of automatic talents, which increase the power of spells (and the Wheel of Destiny has been removed). Automatic talents are a much greater convenience than the Wheel of Destiny, which is present in real-life Tibia. Moreover, the most important spells like exori gran have been modified and now have a reduced cooldown.

Custom additions also include new attributes such as Attack Power and Spell Power, which add 1 to 1 damage to spells (e.g., 100 Spell Power adds 100 damage to a rune attack or spell, or 100 Attack Power adds additional damage to auto-attacks and from exori spells, etc.)

We currently have version 13.2 installed, and it is possible to acquire the latest items.

The only Polish non-PvP server!

Bot usage during leveling is prohibited!
If detected, the account will be banned without warning!

Start-up help:
* Upon starting the game on the mainland, use the command !gift to receive a training weapon (with VIP, you get 2x more charges).
* At level 50, a starter kit automatically appears in your backpack.
* CC per level: 30lvl - 30k, 100lvl - 100k, 200lvl - 200k

Various weekly events:
> Double skill/exp
> Fast Exercise training 30% - 100%
> Rapid respawn x2 - x5
> Loot x6
> Bestiary x5
> Fast HP/MP regeneration - base x3
> and others

A few words about the server:
* No need for access quests (if there are any, it's just about killing mini bosses without unnecessary searching).
* SoulWar bags drop immediately upon entering the hunting area with a fixed chance.
* Gnompromo bags also drop from all monsters with a fixed chance.
* Bags from the latest update "Bag You Covet" can also be dropped from monsters located there.
* No loss on death, in terms of levels and skills.
* Equipment protection up to 300 lvl (no bless needed).
* Fast attack increased by 20%.
* Power increase of 33% for 3 runes (AVA, GFB, THU).
* Dajkan backpack in 3 versions:
1. speed [+32], regen [10/1sec], max MP/HP [+5%] 32 cap
2. speed [+50], regen [20/1sec], 48 cap
3. speed [+60], regen [60/2sec], max MP/HP [+5%], 60 cap
* Turbo potion that gives 100 HP/MP per second.
* All backpacks can be imbued to increase CAP by percentages: 10/15/40.
* Modified soft boots, increased HP/MP regeneration speed by 50%, and also increased HP regeneration by 300% to add as much HP as mana.
* NPC Aldo, who repairs soft boots, is located in the building to the right of the depot in Thais (1st floor).
* "Reterneum" rune teleports to the temple and allows returning to the hunting spot within 30 minutes (also has a cooldown that never ends).
* Netherstone teleports the character to the temple and can be purchased from NPC Quentin for 5000gp.
* Potions that increase:
> character attack speed by 30% for 10 hours
> experience by 50% (after multipliers)
> training speed on dummies by 100% for 10 hours
> stamina by 100%

* Affordable VIP (only 150tc/month), here are the benefits:
5% more exp
Bestiary x4
Spell for mana burn "exana ana"
Hidden VIP new hunting area
Auto change used exercise weapon
Netherstone cooldown changed to 40 minutes (normal 60 min)
Command !gift gives you exercise with 8k charges

Welcome! I wish you a pleasant game :)

The server is active 24/7.


1-100 lvl = x50
101-200 lvl = x20
201-300 lvl = x15
301-500 lvl = x10
501-700 lvl = x8
701-1000 lvl = x5
1001-up lvl = x2
Loot: x5
Standard regen: 10 HP/MP per second
Soul regen: 10 per second

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