Lost Kingdom

Fast Hard x3 RL bots

PL Flag

Server Info

Client8.6 (8.60)
Map AuthorAlkurius
Map Size34143 x 33812
EngineThe Forgotten Server
Engine Version1.3


Czym Jest "Lost Kingdom"?
"Lost Kingdom" to serwer Tibii 8.6 stworzony z mysla o graczach majacych ograniczony czas na gre. Nasz system exp stages dzieli poziomy na segmenty 20-poziomowe (20-40, 41-60, itd.), gdzie mnoznik doswiadczenia wzrasta od x1 na poczatku do x5 na koncu, co usrednia si? do x3. Caly serwer dziala z predkoscia x2.5, co sprawia, ze gra jest bardziej dynamiczna, choc predkosc ataku pozostaje bez zmian. Oprawa opuszczonego królestwa dodaje klimatu, a uzywanie botów jest dozwolone, co uprzyjemnia gre. Zapraszamy do nostalgicznej przygody w "Lost Kingdom"!

What is "Lost Kingdom"?
"Lost Kingdom" is a Tibia 8.6 server designed for players with limited time to play. Our exp stages system divides levels into 20-level segments (20-40, 41-60, etc.), where the experience multiplier increases from x1 at the beginning to x5 at the end, averaging to x3. The entire server operates at a speed of x2.5, making the gameplay more dynamic, although the attack speed remains unchanged. The abandoned kingdom setting adds atmosphere, and the use of bots is allowed, making the game more enjoyable. We invite you to a nostalgic adventure in "Lost Kingdom"!


Discover the abandoned world of Tibia from 27 years ago, where overgrown ruins and deserted cities await brave adventurers. With a love for the 8.6 client, we've created a server that brings back the challenge and satisfaction of past adventures, but in an accelerated pace.

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