Server Info
Informed Players | 0 (5) |
Seen Players | 0 (5) |
Max Players | 200 |
Avg. New Players Retention (Last 30 days) | 9 d 19 h 9 m |
Seen Players (Last 168 hrs.) | 1 |
New Players (Last 168 hrs.) | 0 |
Active Players (Last 168 hrs.) | 1 |
New Players Ratio (Last 168 hrs.) | 0% |
Activity Ratio (Last 168 hrs.) | 100% |
Avg. Level Gain / 24 hrs (Last 168 hrs.) | 0.29 |
Avg. Level Loss / 24 hrs (Last 168 hrs.) | 0 |
Avg. Level Gain / Hr Online (Last 168 hrs.) | 0.55 lvl / hr |
Avg. Level Loss / Hr Online (Last 168 hrs.) | 0 lvl / hr |
Avg. Activity Points (Last 168 hrs.) | 0.06 |
Seen Players (Last 30 days) | 5 |
New Players (Last 30 days) | 1 |
Active Players (Last 30 days) | 2 |
New Players Ratio (Last 30 days) | 20% |
Activity Ratio (Last 30 days) | 40% |
Avg. Level Gain / 24 hrs (Last 30 days) | 0.13 |
Avg. Level Loss / 24 hrs (Last 30 days) | 0 |
Avg. Level Gain / Hr Online (Last 30 days) | 0.54 lvl / hr |
Avg. Level Loss / Hr Online (Last 30 days) | 0 lvl / hr |
Avg. Activity Points (Last 30 days) | 0.1 |
Uptime | 91.62% |
Exp | 5x |
PvP | PVP |
Client | 7.7 (7.72) |
Owner | elvandil |
Points | 1 |
Added | |
Updated | |
ID | 665b4f7c7041e2bb7c09df95 |
Map | gru_22_24 |
Map Author | dotlik |
Map Size | 33500 x 33500 |
Engine | tfs by elvandil |
Engine Version | 1 |
Host Country | Fetch |
Host City | Fetch |
Link Provider | Fetch |
Introducing my OTS Elysii.
I want to invite You to journey onwards with my Open Tibia Server named Elysii. You can find here many quests from old times. I mean years from 2007 to 2010. Everyone knows Cipsoft Tibia changed a lot since then. Open Tibia Servers changed also. I choose engine 7.6 from forgottenseerver tfs 1.2 master downgraded by ninja from Otland.net. I focus on rltibia map. Mechanics are same as 7.6 or little different like 7.4 (roping with rope). As mentioned rope is like in 7.4 protocol that means you can not rope when something in on rope place. Elysii has task system. NPC for tasks is locataed in Darashia (Taskenius). There are npc's that want to buy from you items like djiins and Rashid and all over the map are simple npc that want interact with you. You can have both djins Blue and Green. NPC Rashid is selling shop points thats mean you can earn points that you can use in shop playing game, NPC Rashid when you write to him 'piggybank' sell to you for 120000 gold 50 SHOP POINTS. Mechanics like houer points - every 1h you get from game 4 SP. Elysii has war system built ingame and via ots page www with war emblems. You dont need to put blank runes to hand anymore. Conjuring runes is simplicised, runes are made in backpack of course blank runes are needed. Making runes on your own make them have charges 5 times more 5x. Buying runes in magic shops has only 1 time 1x charg. Coming back to SP you can buy via page www some items like 'special presents','name changer','sex changer', 'training monk' and so on. Training monk last from summoning it to next ss after ss it disapear. Special present can give you custom soft boots, weapons, shields, gold. Task, War systems... Shared xp bonus, yes you get extra xp bonus when you xp with friends in party. Fishing don't need worm. Gratis PREMIUM account.
Server You should try.
I want to invite You to journey onwards with my Open Tibia Server named Elysii. You can find here many quests from old times. I mean years from 2007 to 2010. Everyone knows Cipsoft Tibia changed a lot since then. Open Tibia Servers changed also. I choose engine 7.6 from forgottenseerver tfs 1.2 master downgraded by ninja from Otland.net. I focus on rltibia map. Mechanics are same as 7.6 or little different like 7.4 (roping with rope). As mentioned rope is like in 7.4 protocol that means you can not rope when something in on rope place. Elysii has task system. NPC for tasks is locataed in Darashia (Taskenius). There are npc's that want to buy from you items like djiins and Rashid and all over the map are simple npc that want interact with you. You can have both djins Blue and Green. NPC Rashid is selling shop points thats mean you can earn points that you can use in shop playing game, NPC Rashid when you write to him 'piggybank' sell to you for 120000 gold 50 SHOP POINTS. Mechanics like houer points - every 1h you get from game 4 SP. Elysii has war system built ingame and via ots page www with war emblems. You dont need to put blank runes to hand anymore. Conjuring runes is simplicised, runes are made in backpack of course blank runes are needed. Making runes on your own make them have charges 5 times more 5x. Buying runes in magic shops has only 1 time 1x charg. Coming back to SP you can buy via page www some items like 'special presents','name changer','sex changer', 'training monk' and so on. Training monk last from summoning it to next ss after ss it disapear. Special present can give you custom soft boots, weapons, shields, gold. Task, War systems... Shared xp bonus, yes you get extra xp bonus when you xp with friends in party. Fishing don't need worm. Gratis PREMIUM account.
Server You should try.
Elysii Welcome!
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