
Free vip points

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Server Info

Client8.6 (8.6)
Map AuthorLeonardo
Map Size38000 x 38000
EngineTfs Tibiaface v5
Engine Version5


KRUDA Server Info.

Exp Rate: 1 - 50, 20x
51 - 100, 15x
101 - 150, 10x
151 - 200, 5x
201 - 250, 3x
251 - 300, 1x
301 - ???, 0.5x
Skill Rate: 3x
Magic Rate: 2x
Loot Rate:
Normal: 2x
Bosses: 2x
Host Location: CANADA us
Creation Date: January 30th 2020
Versions: 8.60

Bonus XP
Public Cast: +15% EXP
VIP Members: +25% EXP
Happy Hour: +25% EXP
Potion Double EXP: +100% EXP
Potion Triple EXP: +200% EXP

Exclusive Respawn System (Monsters Respawn)
Free zones: Respawn 2 - 3 minutes
VIP Zones: Respawn 1 sec. - 2 minutes

Stamina Refill (Protection Zones)
Red Stamina: Restores +1 stamina every 3 minutes in protection zones
Orange Stamina: Restores +1 stamina every 3 minutes in protection zones
Green Stamina: Restores +1 stamina every 6 minutes in protection zones

Stamina Refiller (Item)
Stamina Refiller: Right click to restore your stamina.

Level protection
Until level: 8

Party System
100% bonus applies up to 7 members, after which 3% per member drops.

Inactive Players: They will be deleted after 6 inactive months.
Accounts without characters: Will be deleted in 1 month.
Abandoned Houses: Will be deleted in 6 month.

Kills/day to Red Skull: 30
Kills/week to Red Skull: 150
Kills/month to Red Skull: 450
Kills/day to Black Skull: 30
Kills/week to Black Skull: 42
Kills/month to Black Skull: 480
White Skull time: 15 minutes
Red Skull time: 2 days
Black Skull time: 5 days

Other Infos
Ferumbras 100% Possibility to appear every 3 days.
Lord of Ferumbras 100% Possibility to appear every week.
Tetraphrodita 100% Possibility to appear every 6 days.
Max characters per account: 5 players
Level to Buy Houses Whole map level 100+
House Price: 1k per sqm
Where buy Bless?: Command: !aol (price 2 crystal coins, Gives you AOL and Bless)
Where buy AOL?: Eremo NPC *Cost: 2 Crystal coin. By Command !aol 2 Crystal coin.
Server Save: Every 15 minutes.

!commands !spells !promotion !online !serverinfo !aol !frags !uptime
!guildoutfit !topfrags !rank !addon !cast !buypremium !changesex !vipdays
!report !event !buyhouse !sellhouse !guild /war


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