Tibia-Retro.net 7.4


US Flag

Server Info

Client7.4 (7.72)
Map AuthorCipSoft
Map Size65000 x 65000
EngineTibia-Retro 7.4
Engine Version3.1 Beta



The story and lore behind Tibia-Retro is simple. It is suppose to be a long term hardcore 7.4 server which does not give you everything free. It is there to throw you back in 2004 when games used to be harder and punishing. With that said, we tried to replicate 2004 Tibia the best way we could possible by also throwing in some curveballs for the player to explore such as new mysteriandos and quests, but the core fundamentals are there. We are not afraid to add some new content as well if content gets dry later down the road. We hope you will have a nice time playing Tibia-Retro.

Exp: 1x
Skill: 1x
Loot: 1x
Magic: 1x
Spawn: 2x
Regen: 1x

Server Settings

Multiclient: Not allowed.
Host: US East
Overspawn: Yes
Bank: No
Shop: Premium Account only
Quests: Custom
Client: Retro Custom
Runes: Player made only

Unjustified Kills (Frags)

- Red Skull -
Per Day: 3
Per Week: 5
Per Month: 10

- Banishment -
Per Day: 6
Per Week: 10
Per Month: 20

Custom Changes

Custom Quests: Rewards from many quests has been changed, we believe clicking a chest at black knights for full crown-set is not interesting
Mysteriando: We made sure Sword of Fury, Golden Helmet, Great Axe and Dragon Scale Legs, Blessed Shield etc is all obtained in true 7.4 fantasy.
Ambient Light: Yes, to provide players with some quality of life things, light in the client is one of them
Party Shared Experience: Yes, this is available, but it does not give additional bonus experience, its split between the party members
Raids: Yes there will be custom raids like a Blue Orc mini-boss on Rookgaard or some interesting content on Mainland in 7.4 fashion.


Welcome to Tibia-Retro 7.4 test server, join our discord: https://discord.gg/xrFqYvm4Mt

Server Navigation
