Middle Earth OTS - EU
RL - 4 years online
Server Info
Exp | 100x |
PvP | PVP |
Client | 11.00 (10.99 or Middle Earth Client) |
Owner | Ots Manager |
Added | |
Updated | |
ID | 62cde2f41770eac22ec6ad57 |
Map | realmap |
Map Author | Komic |
Map Size | 34047 x 33023 |
Engine | The Forgotten Server |
Engine Version | 1.3 |
Hello future new player!
Middle Earth OT is a project I have been working on for over 4 years now. I would love for you to come check it out:
Hope to see you soon!
Kind Regards,
Godric (Administrator of Middle Earth OT)
Middle Earth OT is a project I have been working on for over 4 years now. I would love for you to come check it out:
Hope to see you soon!
Kind Regards,
Godric (Administrator of Middle Earth OT)
Middle Earth OTS: The next generation of Open Tibia begins here!
--> For server information: !info
--> Join us on Discord! Code: AyxEgrY
--> Useful commands: !spellcolor | !autoloot | !autoheal | !exp | !bonus | !pz | !time | !bossdelay
--> To view the full list of helpful commands just type: !commands
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